Introduction to Drupal front-end development
At the beginning of last June DrupalCamp, the biggest Drupal event in Spain, was held in Zaragoza. I had the opportunity to participate with an introductory presentation that I hope will be useful for developers who are approaching Drupal front-end for the first time.
This content was written more than a year ago. Please note that some (or many) of its recommendations, code samples, resources or solutions may be outdated.
We were saying the other day that in my first participation in a DrupalCamp I designed two presentations that could work as a coherent whole. In the first part, the goal was to show the Drupal front-end in a quick way and especially focusing on the basics and foundations. The second part was to go into more advanced concepts, but at the same time feel like a continuation of the first.
My goal: to try that, in addition to the talk, the material could be useful for any Spanish-speaking person who is approaching Drupal front-end for the first time.
The talk is already available on the official youtube channel of the AED (Spanish Drupal Association, not to be confused with the Spanish Association of Managers, careful). And, therefore, here too: